Smoke Alarms SAVE LIVES

Posted By Chris Kendall  
15:36 PM


Nearly all homes have them, but most of us don't think about them until we burn the toast, but have you really thought about how important your smoke alarms really are?

Did you know, when we're asleep, we have no sense of smell?

It's one thing to have a fire during the day when we're awake, it's likely we'd smell or see the smoke and jump into action, but what about when you're asleep, your eyes are closed and you have no sense of smell. It's likely this is when your smoke alarm will be most valuable to you and your family.

Typically smoke alarms come with a 5 year warranty (for reputable brands that are hard wired) and if you have an investment property these alarms must be replaced every 10 years by law. TroopKen Electrical recommend replacing your smoke alarms between 5 & 10 years regardless of it being an investment property or owner occupied.

Remember, Smoke Alarms are a mechanical device, they age and can fail, so be sure to test them regularly and change the backup batteries annually.

Give us a call if you want us to test or replace your smoke alarms, or for all your other electrical needs.

TroopKen Electrical - 1300 876 676